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Plant nematode-interactions: parasitism and defence

nematode barley root

Honours project: Discover how parasitic nematodes affect cereal plant roots and exactly which genes help the plants fight back.

[Read more about Plant nematode-interactions: parasitism and defence]

The Proterozoic Planetary Pivot: Oxygen, Snowballs and Metals

Kingsmill Creek Arkaroola from the air

Honours project: A MinEx CRC project looking at how sediments of the Adelaide Superbasin record the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event.

[Read more about The Proterozoic Planetary Pivot: Oxygen, Snowballs and Metals ]

Nanosatellites and drone geophysics: new technologies for Earth, Moon and Mars


Honours project: Be part of the exciting space exploration program, connecting remote networks of geophysical sensors to satellites.

[Read more about Nanosatellites and drone geophysics: new technologies for Earth, Moon and Mars]

Compositional controls on physical properties: new constraints from laboratory measurements

Quartz monzonite by James St. John (CC BY 2.0)

Honours projects: Improve predictive models of density and thermal conductivity to improve geophysical models by making new lab measurements.

[Read more about Compositional controls on physical properties: new constraints from laboratory measurements]

The fire down below: Heat generation in the lower crust

Crustal and Mantle Xenolith

Honours project: Help develop a crustal radioactivity model using pieces of rock brought to the surface and trapped in lavas.

[Read more about The fire down below: Heat generation in the lower crust]

Genes controlling seed development

Barley flower slide - Matthew Tucker

Honours project: Participate in a plant breeding project on dissecting the MADS-box interactome during barley ovule and seed development.

[Read more about Genes controlling seed development]

Sensing and Spectroscopy

Bio sensing IPAS

Honours projects: Accurate knowledge of optical parameters is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.

[Read more about Sensing and Spectroscopy]

The Impact of Fluid Flow on Crustal Radioactivity: Pushing heat around during tectonic reworking

Large Crustal Shear Zone

Honours project: Head into the field to analyse natural radioactivity of fluid-altered crust.

[Read more about The Impact of Fluid Flow on Crustal Radioactivity: Pushing heat around during tectonic reworking]

2020 Research awards

Each year, the faculty rewards researchers who show outstanding achievements in their fields.

[Read more about 2020 Research awards]

Apply for Engineering internships starting early January

Aerospace engineering

Internships enable you to develop connections with prospective employers through a range of practical projects, internships and industry-led teaching.

[Read more about Apply for Engineering internships starting early January]

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