Lunar Architecture

Researcher: Dr. Amit Srivastava

Benefits to life in space

Lunar Architecture research lies at the intersection of ISRU, Robotic Construction, and the disciplinary challenges of Form & Formwork. Working closely with the Lunar Construction Group and the Deep Space Habitation Group, it brings together both the technical and psycho-social considerations in the design of sustainable structures on the Moon. The overall aim is to develop a new sustainable framework for construction with efficient use of new materials and technologies, that reduce dependencies on formwork. But the question of form also extends into issues of cultural development and aspirations. Here the project particularly deals with the psycho-social effects of being in an isolated alien environment, and the role architecture can play in ensuring our psychological wellbeing for deep space habitation. 

Benefits to life on Earth

The project has immense benefits for human habitation and construction on Earth. First, a complete systemic approach to construction that looks to bring together automation, materiality and form development provides considerable benefits for defining the next era of construction activities on Earth. At over $10 trillion or 15% of Global GDP, construction is one of the largest human industries and efficiencies in the system aim to provide great economic and social benefits. Second, the insights into human psychological wellbeing in extreme environments of the Moon and the role of architecture, provides a basis for creating better solutions for human habitation in remote conditions like mining, or simply enhancing psycho-social behaviour through design.